Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Authorities That Be

Recently during my study time, I remembered one story that happened during my MBA MIS course and I couldn’t help smiling. I thought that I should write about it and see what morals I can pick from there. So the below is a write up which I can say with my limited memory is 80% based on 100% true facts :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

SSRS-Putting Date Range in Footer Area

Add a text box, placeholder in the footer area. Double click on ''. Put the below code in the expression. 'MonthFromDate' and 'MonthToDate' are variables which are accepting values entered by the user. 

=FormatDateTime(Parameters!MonthFromDate.Value, DateFormat.longdate) " - " FormatDateTime(DateAdd("d", -1, Parameters!MonthToDate.Value), DateFormat.LongDate)